Gain the knowledge and skills you need for the job you want!
“I came here for socialization, [and] to help me find a job, if I could...I've been in food service my whole life, but since I graduated from Cooking Up a Career it's helped push me forward in the business.”
Employment Options has 3 HYPE-Trained mentors on staff! HYPE (Helping Youth on the Path to Employment) is a manual-based intervention to support transition-aged youth and young adults with mental health conditions to develop their careers. The HYPE training equips our staff with the knowledge to help our members develop essential skills that assure success. Focused Skills 1. Prospective Memory 2. Attention and Vigilance 3. Learning and Memory 4. Problem-solving 5. Calendaring
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
Employment Options works closely with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission to assist individuals experiencing mental health conditions with education, career exploration, job skills and training, job placement, and ongoing career coaching.