Community Health Connections (CHC) is a safe haven to find compassionate care, regardless of income or insurance status.
The Emergency Services unit is available 7 days per week, 24 hours per day to provide on-site or mobile assessment and screening to any individual experiencing a mental health or substance abuse problem, or both. The ESP service area includes Worcester and its surrounding towns, and also the communities of Leominster, Fitchburg, Ayer, Clinton, and Gardner.
Assures and provides access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individuals of all ages; enabling them to live, work and participate in their community.
Fitchburg Housing Authority administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) program. The HCVP program is the federal government's major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled with decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing in the private market
Household Goods Furniture Bank helps restore hope, dignity, and stability in our community by recycling donated furniture and housewares, for free, to people in need.
The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program helps people with disabilities get and keep a job. VR helps people with physical, psychiatric, and learning disabilities face the challenges of the modern workplace. This may include identifying job goals based on your interests and skills.
With over 100 programs throughout Central Massachusetts, each year Open Sky provides services and supports to more than 5,000 adults, young adults and youth with mental health challenges, developmental disabilities, brain injury, substance use disorders or other complex challenges. They provide services and supports for LGBTQIA+ youth ages 14 to 23 through the Safe Homes program.
Our Father's House is working on permanent solutions to homelessness by providing a progression of emergency shelter and support when needed; transitional and permanent housing when possible and practical; and individual support and guidance to encourage and assist our clients in becoming self-sufficient.
The Spanish American Center, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization that responds to the needs of the Hispanic community. The Center's programs include information and referral, ESL and civics classes, peer leadership training, food security assistance via meals to homeless and community food pantry, elderly outreach, battered women and children counseling, and homelessness referral.
Spectrum offers inpatient detoxification, residential treatment, medication for substance use disorders, outpatient counseling, and peer recovery support.
Work Without Limits is a network of employers, educational institutions, employment service providers, state and federal agencies, individuals with disabilities, and their family members. Through collaboration and partnership, our goal is to increase the employment of people with disabilities until it is equal to those without disabilities. Work Without Limits programs and services are geared to meet the needs of employers that actively recruit people with disabilities as employees and in their supply chains, individuals with disabilities who are seeking jobs, and the employment service providers that serve them.